Sunday, June 5, 2016

No info on Panama leaks under RTI : PMO

Summary  of News : Disclosure of PANAMA Leaks info  shall impede the process of investigation or apprehension or prosecution of offenders, asserts PMO on a RTI poser by Lucknow based Human Rights Activist Sanjay Sharma.

Lucknow/05 June 2016/ Urvashi Sharma News©yaishwaryaj
PMO won’t disclose any info related to the much talked about Panama leaks as the investigation is going on in the matter. This has been disclosed in a reply by Subrata Hazra, Under Secretary and Central Public Information Officer of PMO on a Right to Information ( RTI ) poser by Lucknow based Human Rights Activist & Engineer Sanjay Sharma.

Citing clause 8(1)(h) of RTI act, Hazra has denied the impart of Information on entire RTI request of Sanjay.  Clause 8(1)(h) of RTI act 2005 says “Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, there shall be no obligation to give any citizen,— information which would impede the process of investigation or apprehension or prosecution of offenders;”.

Activist Sanjay, While in an exclusive telephonic conversation to this correspondent of YAISHWARYAJ told that on 25th April 2016, he shot-off this 10 point RTI plea to PMO of India. Sanjay also provided a copy of RTI query & the reply of PMO dated 30th May 2016 to YAISHWARYAJ.

As per this RTI poser Sanjay asked for Certified copy/copies of order(s) issued by Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi for investigation(s) into the Indians who are among those named in the "Panama Papers"; Certified copy/copies of all record including note-sheets contained in files in which the matter related to investigating the Indians who are among those named in the "Panama Papers" has been processed and finalized;Certified copy of a complete set of all "Panama Papers" available with Government of India;Total no. of persons approached by Government of India to become part of inquiry committee formed to conduct inquiry in this regard;Details of names and designations of persons approached by Government of India to become part of inquiry committee formed to conduct inquiry in this regard;Certified copies of letters issued to various persons approached by Government of India to become part of inquiry committee formed to conduct inquiry in this regard;Certified copies of responses given by various persons approached by Government of India to become part of inquiry committee formed to conduct inquiry in this regard;-Details of names and designations of members of inquiry committee formed (if any)  in this regard;Information on date of start (if any)  of  inquiry in this matter and Information on progress (if any)  of inquiry being conducted in this matter. However, PMO while saying that impart of info on any of these points would impede the process of investigation or apprehension or prosecution of offenders, has denied info on all 10 points of this RTI poser.

 “CPIO has denied info without application of mind” Sanjay says and asks as to how  disclosuse of order(s) issued by Prime Minister  Narendra Modi for investigation(s) into the Indians who are among those named in the "Panama Papers would impede the process of investigation or apprehension or prosecution of offenders ? Dissatisfied with this reply of CPIO of PMO, Sanjay is going to file  first appeal in this matter.

( can be reproduced but only with specific mention of YAISHWARYAJ )

Urvashi Sharma is a Lucknow based freelancer and Secretary at YAISHWARYAJ. She can be contacted at Mobile 9369613513.

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